Wednesday, April 14, 2010

GET ON BOARD Taylor 9th Ward!
It wasn't Raining........ when Noah built the ark.

Yearly Food Storage Plan:
Each week buy the items listed and store them. Buy the largest quantity you can buy, that makes sense for your family, and that you can sensibly afford and store.

If you miss a week, skip it and go on; don't get behind.

Replace the items as you use them.
Week 2:
Pasta: 7-10 lbs. variety. Consider your family's tastes.

Financial Plan:
Simple weekly financial lessons and assignments to help you become financially stable this year!

Create a Budget for the next week. Remember to record all the income you will be receiving. Make a list of all your expenditures, prioritizing your Needs and Wants.
Income .....................................................Expenditures


Does your spending actually balance with your income? If not where will you get the extra money from? (with out going into debt)

Perhaps you will have some money left over…. What will you do with it?

What are some ways to increase your income? How do you think you would use this money to balance your budget?

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