Tuesday, June 22, 2010

GET ON BOARD Taylor 9th Ward!
It wasn't Raining........ when Noah built the ark.

Yearly Food Storage Plan:
Each week buy the items listed and store them. Buy the largest quantity you can buy, that makes sense for your family, and that you can sensibly afford and store.

If you miss a week, skip it and go on; don't get behind.

Replace the items as you use them.
Week 4:
Paper towels, garbage bags, foil (Great for making your own solar oven, just in case there is no electricity.), baggies, plastic etc.

Be Prepared "When the Lights go out!"
(Let your light so shine)
What will you do when the lights go out?
We are spoiled by the wonderful convenience of electricity. It powers our world and we are dependent upon it. When we find ourselves without power, our world comes crashing down around us. This class is to get you thinking about how you would take care of your home and family WHEN the power goes out.
Date Night/class on Saturday, July 10th at 6:00 pm
@the Merrill Home in Taylor Farms.
~Dinner and getting prepared! Come learn and enjoy!

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