How To Substitute Honey for Cooking
You can substitute honey for equal amounts of sugar in many recipes. In baked goods, substitute honey for up to half the sugar and make the following adjustments.
Reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe by ¼ cup for each cup of honey used.
Add ½ teaspoon baking soda for each cup of honey used.
To prevent over- browning, reduce oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
VARIETIES AND FORMS The flavor and color of honey depends on its floral source. More than 300 such sources have been identified in the United States. The color of honey can range from nearly colorless (fireweed) to dark brown (blueberry). Flavors range from delicately mild (alfalfa) to bold and robust (buckwheat). The most common forms of honey are the familiar liquid honey (often blended from two or more honeys to create a consistent color and flavor); creamed (or spun) honey and comb honey.
Remember when you were in school and they had a fire drill? They did that for a reason. If there was a fire or other emergency everyone would know exactly what to do and how to do it. For that same reason you should have an emergency drill at least 3 or 4 times a year with your family.
Tana Eggleston says, “My sister (Benda) has access to honey from a guy in their bishopric. It is a pretty good price and is a great food storage item (honey never spoils). They are coming from Utah on Mother's Day weekend and also again the end of June. They are willing to bring some down if anyone is interested. I will need the money upfront. Here are the prices:
Size Weight Price Case
5 gal. bucket 60 lbs. $107.00 Savings of $18.00
about 1/2 gal container 5 lbs $12.50
6 containers for $70.00 Savings of $5.00
Tana Eggleston – 536-3304
"The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." Pres. Ezra Taft Bensen
Spiritual Goal---Share a Book of Mormon with a non-member
Provident Living Goal---Make a goal and plan to exercise regularly.
72 hour kit: for May
1 gallon water per person
scriptures personal documents--genealogical records, wills, passports, insurance, contracts, birth certificates, patriarchal blessings, etc.
$25.00 cash
June 4th @ 6pm -Learn to Garden without a Garden and other techniques for gardening!
Emergency Preparedness:
Each time you should not just talk about what to do in an emergency, but you should pretend there is a real emergency and carry out your plans. Have everyone go to their rooms and then turn on the fire alarm and tell everyone to get out without using the doors. See if everyone shows up at the designated meeting place.Pretend there is an emergency and you have to leave your home. Set up tents in your yard or other location and live for a day without the luxuries you are used to. Do not go in your house for at least 24 hours. This exercise will help you to understand the challenges you will face in an emergency, and help you to think of ways to be better prepared.Another time you may want to practice what to do if everyone in the family is away from home when a disaster takes place. See if everyone can remember the communications plan and put it into effect. Use the communications plan to tell everyone where to go so that you can all meet up together. The important part is that you will learn much more about being prepared by actually having a dry run than by just sitting around the kitchen table talking about it.
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